workshop English intermediate - presentations
Pre-Conference Training 14 & 15 November 2022
Legal Framework – 1951 Convention and its 1967 Protocol, and the 1969 OAU Convention
- Richard Grindell, Senior Protection Officer, UNHCR, Bureau East, Horn of Africa & Great Lakes
- Jacob van Garderen, Public Interest Law
- Nicolas Jacobs, Head of the Courts and Tribunals Sector, European Union Agency for Asylum
1. Legal Framework
2. Procedural Fairness Due Process
3. RefWorld
International and regional legal and policy framework on eradication of statelessness
- Benedicte Voos, Senior Legal Officer, UNHCR, Bureau East, Horn of Africa & Great Lakes Tools for Judges (Bench book for judges; Refworld; EUAA – JA series; caselaw)
Eradicatrion of Statelessness
Introduction to International Refugee Law: Who is a refugee
- Ayanna Roberts, Immigration and Refugee Board - Canada
- Jennifer Smith, Immigration and Refugee Board - Canada
Country of Origin Information – How to find and assess COI
Session 1: Who is a refugee?
Session 2: Country of Origin Information