The Europe Chapter
The Europe Chapter of the IARMJ was the first of the regional chapters to be formed, addressing issues of particular concern to its members, including the European Convention on Human Rights, the co-ordination of interests of member states of the European Union, the enactment of the Qualification Directives and the creation of EASO. The Chapter has been at the forefront of the development of refugee and migration law in Europe and works closely with partners such as UNHCR and EASO.
Le chapitre Europe de l'IARMJ a été le premier des chapitres régionaux à être formé, abordant des questions d'intérêt particulier pour ses membres, y compris la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme, la coordination des intérêts des États membres de l'Union européenne, la promulgation des directives de qualification et la création de l'EASO. Le chapitre a été à l'avant-garde du développement du droit des réfugiés et des migrations en Europe et travaille en étroite collaboration avec des partenaires tels que le HCR et l'EASO.
Chapter President Bostjan Zalar
Senior High Court Judge, Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia
Professor at the University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Social Sciences), Invited Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana
Ad hoc Judge of the European Court of Human Rights
Member of the Council of the European Law Institute (Vienna)
Immediate Past Co-Chair of the Working Party on "Asylum and Immigration" of the Association of European Administrative Judges
Trainer for judges and lawyers in the field of human rights law in relation to activites of organisations and networks such as: UNHCR, EASO, EJTN, ERA, TAIEX, IARMJ-Europe, AEAJ, ELENA, ECRE, HHC, national training centres for judges etc.
Judge Zalar's editorial and other writen contributions - published in books, journals, textbooks, manuals and professional development series - relate to human rights law, judicial independence, constitutional law, court management, EU refugee law, EU migration law, administrative detention, effective judicial protection and case law of the European Court of Human Rights.