Conference Brdo was a great success
Monday 12 September 2022
Session 1: Opening addresses: Asylum and migration disputes in Europe in the context of international rule of law
- Boštjan Zalar, President of the IARMJ-Europe, Senior High Court Judge, Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia (moderator)
- Damijan Florjančič, President of the Supreme Court (Slovenia)
- Dominika Švarc Pipan, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia
- Stefan Maier, UNHCR, Head of the Policy and Legal support Unit, Representative for EU Affairs
- Nina Gregori, Executive Director of the EU Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
- Matej Accetto, President of the Constitutional Court (Slovenia)
Session 2: Highlights in recent case law in migration and/or asylum-related disputes of the ECtHR and CJEU
- Lars Bay Larsen, Vice-President of the CJEU: "New developments in the case law of the CJEU"
- Jolien Schukking and Mattias Guyomar, Judges of the ECtHR: "New developments in the case law of the ECtHR"
Session 3: Tools for Judges: Part I
- Paul Leplomb, EUAA, Courts and Tribunals Sector: "10 years of cooperation with European courts and tribunals",
- Carolus Grütters, Centre for Migration Law, Radboud University, Nijmegen:"DiCTA - digital data base on asylum law and Newsletters for judges (NEAIS, NEMIS)"
- Riccardo Viviani, UNHCR Associate Legal Officer in Legal and Political Support Unit (PLUS): "Refworld"
- "Global Judicial Analysis" project of the IARMJ: Michael Hoppe, Vice-President of the Administrative Court Karlsruhe (Germany) and Katelijne Declerck, Immediate Past President of the IARMJ, retired judge of the Council of Alien Law Litigation (Belgium); QUESTIONNAIRE
Session 4: Highlights of contentious procedural and material law issues of European character in national case law on migration and/or asylum
- Cassandra Lange, Judge of the Council of State, the Netherlands, moderator
- Holger Böhmann, Judge of the Federal Supreme Administrative Court, Germany
- Elizabeth Steendijk, Judge of the Council of State, the Netherlands
- Christian Boulanger, Judge - President of Section, National Court of Asylum (CNDA), France
- Jakub Camrda, Judge of the Supreme Administrative Court, Czech Republic
- Damjan Kukovec, Judge of the General Court of the EU: "Is there a link between judicial independence and autonomy of EU law?"
uesday, 13 September 2022:
Session 5: EU Temporary Protection Directive 2001/55 in Case of Ukraine and related subjects
- Tatjana Bobnar, Minister of Interior of the Republic of Slovenia: "Contentious Issues of the Temporary Protection Directive in Practice of Member States",
- Ella Kataeva, Judge of the Administrative Court in Odessa (Ukraine): "Being a Judge in a War Zone"
Session 6: Limits of the principle of the abuse of rights in migration and asylum disputes under European law standards
- Abuse of right in migration cases before EFTA Court, Bernd Hammermann (Luxembourg), Judge of the EFTA Court, case law
- The abuse of rights under EU law: Damjan Kukovec, Judge of the General Court of the EU,
- Discussant on abuse of right in French case law on asylum: Thomas Besson, Vice-President of the National Court of Asylum (CNDA, France)
- Discussant on abuse of rights in asylum/migration cases in New Zealand: Martin Treadwell, Judge - Chair of the Immigration & protection Tribunal (New Zealand)
Session 7: Examples and experiences with ex officio powers of courts in asylum-related cases
- Elena Masetti Zannini and Cristina Contini, Judges of the Tribunal in Milan (Italy): Ex officio powers/responsibilities in Italian practice based on EU law and case law of the ECtHR plus relevant jurisprudence
- Comments: Goran Selanec, Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia
Session 8: Remote/hybrid hearings in asylum disputes
- Hilkka Becker, Chair of the International Protection Appeals Tribunal, Ireland,
- Oral hearings before CNDA (France): Joseph Krulic, Section President, Head of the Research and Documentation Centre, National Court of Asylum
Session 9: Contentious issue(s) of access to (asylum) procedure
- An example of externalisation of asylum processing and prohibition of indirect refoulement: Michael Hoppe, Vice-President of the Administrative Court Karlsruhe (Germany) and discussion paper Michael Hoppe
- Discussant: Hugo Storey, Immediate Past President of the IARMJ-Europe, retired judge of the Upper Tribunal, London
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