Main conference - presentations
MAIN CONFERENCE - 16, 17 & 18 November 2022
ACCESS: Access to asylum; Access to territory; Access to Justice; Access to Rights
Conference Day 1 - 16 November 2022
- Opening message: Ms. Vanja Karth, Director, Judicial Institute for Africa
- Opening message: Mr. Ward Lutin, Head of the Asylum Knowledge Centre, European Union Asylum Agency
- Opening message: Dr. Stefanie Rothenberger, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Director, Rule of Law Programme Countries
- Opening message: Ms. Eduarda Mendonca-Gray, Deputy Development Director, British High Commission in Tanzania
- Opening message: Ms. Mahoua Parums, UNHCR Representative in Tanzania
- Welcome: Justice Isaac Lenaola, President IARMJ
- Keynote Opening Address: Hon. John Vianney Mongella, Regional Commissioner of Arusha
Keynote Address: Access to Asylum, Territory and Justice – Context and Challenges in Africa
- Justice Imani Daud Aboud: President, African Court of Human and People’s Rights
Regional Courts and Institutions
- Justice Ben Kioko, African Court of Human and People’s Rights
Judicial Independence and the Rule of Law (including Bangalore Principles; and access to courts)
- Judge Judith Gleeson (UK)
- Mr Paul Leplomb, European Union Agency for Asylum
Challenges to Courts and Convention
- Justice Dr. Fauz Twaibu (Rtd), (Tanzania)
- Donald Deya, Pan African Lawyers Union
Conference Day 2 - 17 November 2022
- Justice John Mativo, (Kenya)
- Justice Asina Omari, (Tanzania)
- Member Ayanna Roberts, (Canada)
- Judge Zione Ntaba, (Malawi)
Emerging issues and challenges from the other side of the bench
- Waikwa Wanyoike, Open Society Foundations, (UK)
- Fabian Oriri, Kituo cha Sheria, (Kenya)
- Yussuf Bashir, Haki na Sheria, (Kenya)
Internally Displaced Persons and Stateless Persons
- Judge Ceaineh D. Clinton-Johnson, (Liberia) – on Statelessness
- Justice Patrick Omwenga Kiage, (Kenya) - Kampala Convention and Internally Displaced Persons
Recent developments in appellate jurisprudence
- Judge President Mlambo, (South Africa)
- Justice Aondover Kakaan, Chief Judge, (Benue State, Nigeria)
- Carole Simone Dahan, Senior Legal Advisor, UNHCR, Division of International Protection, Geneva
Conference Day 3 - 18 November 2022
Human rights: the right to dignity; family life, and socio-economic rights
- Justice Dr. Juliana Masabo, (Tanzania)
- Magistrate Boureima Yameogo, (Burkina Faso)
- Kaajal Ramjathan-Keogh, International Commission of Jurists (South Africa)
- Dr. Veronica Buchumi, (Tanzania)
Report by Working Groups
- Professor James Simeon, (York University, Toronto, Canada)
Closing session
- Ahmed Arbee, Past President Africa Chapter, IARMJ
- Ms. Mahoua Parums, UNHCR Representative in Tanzania
- Mr. Sudi Mwakibasi, Director of Refugee Services Department of Tanzania
- Ambassador Regine Hess, Ambassador of Germany in Tanzania
- Hon. Geophrey Pinda, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs