Patricia Baldwin, longtime member of the IARLJ, passed away
It is with a very heavy heart that I advise you of the death of Patricia Baldwin, longtime member of the IARLJ. She was the former chair of the vulnerable person's working party, helped launch the Women Judges Forum, and attended many IARLJ conferences going back as far as New Zealand in 2002. She has been actively engaged in the work of the IAR LJ over a long period of time. She was a recently retired sitting judicial member of the immigration courts in England and a colleague of Hugo Storey and others who may have additional information to share. Her daughter Zoe has advised that memorial services will be held in a couple of months. While she fought valiantly, the cancer that ultimately caused her passing, came suddenly. Her loss will be felt across the spectrum of the international refugee law community. I saw her last month in Dublin where we shared a lovely visit reminiscing about our work and life. I met Patricia when we worked together at the IRB in Vancouver British Columbia in 1998.
With deep condolences to her daughter Zoe and Patricia's large community of friends and colleagues.