IARLJ - Europe
Early in December 2014, IARLJ-Europe published on its website an Information Note. It explained that IARLJ-Europe intended to commission experts to assist with the drafting of professional development materials for members of courts and tribunals on asylum law being produced under contract to EASO. These materials would then form part of the EASO Professional Development Series for Members of Courts and Tribunals. This Information Note was circulated through various networks so as to ensure there was wide knowledge of it.
IARLJ- Europe was delighted to receive a large number of responses expressing an interest in being commissioned. These responses were carefully considered by an Editorial Team of judges. Decisions as to who to appoint as a commissioned expert were made by reference to a set of criteria agreed in advance.
On this basis, IARLJ-Europe, in conjunction with EASO, commissioned 9f experts to tackle the first two of four subjects being prepared under this contract, namely:
1. Introduction to the Common European Asylum System and
2. Qualification for International Protection.
Following a further Information Note posted and circulated in September 2015, IARLJ- Europe received further expressions of interest and was fortunate to be able to choose from an enlarged list of names for consideration. In November 2015, a further group of experts were commissioned to commence work on two further topics, namely:
1. Evidence Assessment and Credibility and
2. Procedures.
IARLJ-Europe is grateful to all those who expressed an interest to participate. For the information of those persons who contacted IARLJ-Europe but were not commissioned, it should be emphasised that the criteria applied required the appointment of teams containing highly qualified experts but also required that other considerations also be reflected such as, inter alia, ensuring a balance of persons from different Member States, thereby ensuring greater representativeness by avoiding, so far as possible, having two experts from the same Member State.
IARLJ-Europe would like to inform any person who has not yet expressed an interest but still wishes to be an expert that one appointment has yet to be made for the team tackling the subject of Procedures. Expressions of interest should reach IARLJ-Europe by 8 January 2016 and can be sent to .
A decision on the appointment will be made in full consideration of the existing list of interested persons plus other names submitted by the deadline. The chosen expert will be notified by e-mail soon thereafter. Persons who have expressed an interest but who are not chosen will not be informed.