Message President IARMJ
I would once again like to express my profound gratitude on your behalf, to the Government of Costa Rica and to the Local Organizing Committee led by the indefatigable Gabriella Richard and Esteban Lemus Laporte for an incredibly wonderful and fulfilling Conference.
Regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, it has undoubtedly affected us in different ways and I am aware that some courts, like mine, are almost completely grounded and many are working from home. Some are still slogging on in limited circumstances but happily thus far, no report of a troubling kind regarding our members has been received.
I am however aware that a number of meetings, workshops and seminars have been postponed, including the IARMJ-UNHCR meeting in Geneva scheduled for 3rd April 2020. These postponements are for the common good and are understandable.
As we wait and see how the pandemic pans out, I would like to send a message of solidarity to all of you even as I hope and pray that it will fizzle out sooner than later.
Best wishes and stay safe.
Yours sincerely,
Isaac Lenaola, President IARMJ