I am a member but do not know my login
When you are IARMJ member an account has been created for you. You can login with your email address. If you forgot or do not know your password, you can request a password reset bij clicking Forgot Password in the login box. You will receive an email with instructions how to reset your password.
I am not a member but would like to log in
Login is only available for IARMJ members
Why should I login?
Some information is only accessible for members. Also as a logged in member you can participate in the forum, and have access to the member lists.
How can i edit my profile
Once logged in the right button at the top of the page reveals My profile. Changes can be made by clicking the edit my profile button.
Who can see my details
Email address and short bio are only visible to members, unless you decide to make them public. This can be set in the email field and short bio field, by toggling the privacy icon on the right..